SSS Extra Season Announcement

Greetings, This is the SSS Team.

We would like to send our deepest gratitude to our SSS Streamers and Supporters for creating an enjoyable 2024!

The renewed Season will be prepared and opened within March. The renewal will be based on data obtained through the ‘Survey’ and ‘Streamer Monitoring’ and we will focus on the growth of each Streamer’s Channels. Detailed information regarding the renewed Season will be announced at a later notice.

Before the beginning of the renewed Season, we plan to open the Extra Season for Streamers already participating in the SSS and new SSS Streamers for an opportunity to grow.

Information regarding the Extra Season and its schedule can be found in detail below.

■ Extra Season Schedule (UTC+8)

- Season 4, Round 1 (Extra Season) Period: January 1st, 2025, 00:00 ~ January 31st, 2025, 23:59

- Season 4, Round 2 (Extra Season) Period: February 1st, 2025, 00:00 ~ February 28th, 2025, 23:59

※ Please note that the schedule above may be changed due to circumstances.

■ Services Available

- New Streamer Application

- Mission Activities

- Payout Application

- Supporting Seeds

※ The services above will commence on the same schedule.

■ Extra Season Notes

1. Schedules for SSS services during the Extra Season will stay the same.

2. The Streamer leveling system will not change and will stay the same during the Extra Season.

3. New Streamer Application schedule and application requirements will stay the same during the Extra Season.

4. Missions will not be available for the first Round of the Extra Season. However, a Mission will be available for the second Round.

We thank our SSS Streamers and Supporters for using our SSS Platform. We hope you will enjoy the Extra Seaason before the scheduled service renewal!

Thank you.