
New Season Pass- December 3rd

Black Wings of Freedom

Greetings, This is NIGHT CROWS.

Through the newly added Season Passes, updated on December 3rd, Crew can obtain various Weapon Styles through Weapon Style Summon items and materials for enhancing Artifacts.

Check the information below for more details on Season Passes. We hope these passes make your journey more exciting!

■ Twilight Weapon Style Pass

• Price: 2,000 Diamond

• Season Pass Period: December 3rd, After Update ~ December 17th, Before Update (UTC +8)

Stage 1Twilight's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 2Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 3Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 4Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 5Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 6Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 7Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 8Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 9Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 10Sunset's Weapon Style Summon x11 (Bound) x1Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 11Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 12Dawn's Dazzling Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 13Sunset's Weapon Style Summon x11 (Bound) x1Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 14Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 15Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 16Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 17Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 18Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 19Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 20Sunset's Splendid Weapon Style Summon x11 (Bound) x1Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 21Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 22Dawn's Lustrous Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Free
Stage 23Sunset's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 24Dawn's Dazzling Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x2Free
Stage 25Twilight's Weapon Style Summon (Bound) x1Pass Purchased Reward

■ Artifact Enhancement Pass

• Price: 2,000 Diamond

• Season Pass Period: December 3rd, After Update ~ December 17th, Before Update (UTC +8)

Stage 1[Event] Brilliant Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 2[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 3Holy Relic (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 4[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 5Amulet Artifact Selection Chest (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 6[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 7Alluvial Gold Pouch (Bound) x3Free
Stage 8Artifact Crafting Material Selection Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 9[Event] Artifact Refinement Stone (Bound) x1Free
Stage 10[Event] Splendid Artifact Enhancement Scroll Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 11[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 12[Event] Artifact Refinement Stone (Bound) x1Free
Stage 13[Event] Splendid Artifact Enhancement Scroll Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 14[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 15Holy Relic (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 16Amulet Artifact Selection Chest (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 17[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 18[Event] Splendid Artifact Enhancement Scroll Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 19Alluvial Gold Pouch (Bound) x3Free
Stage 20Artifact Crafting Material Selection Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 21[Event] Splendid Artifact Enhancement Scroll Chest (Bound) x5Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 22[Event] Artifact Enhancement Scroll (Bound) x1Free
Stage 23[Event] Splendid Artifact Enhancement Scroll Chest (Bound) x10Pass Purchased Reward
Stage 24[Event] Artifact Refinement Stone (Bound) x1Free
Stage 25[Event] Brilliant Artifact Refinement Stone (Bound) x3Pass Purchased Reward

※ [Event] Items can only be used within the expiry period of December 23rd, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Thank you.