
Party Dungeon

Cooperate with 5 Party members to defeat the Dungeon boss and claim a bounty of loot in the Party Dungeon.

Basic Information

1. Criteria

- Level Requirement: Character Level 40 or Higher

- Quest Requirement: None

· Raid Party Dungeons with a Party of 5.

※ 5 Crew members are required to be matched to enter the Party Dungeon.

※ Party Dungeon’s entry count is 3 times. The entry count is reset every Monday, 4:00am (Time by Region).

2. Party Dungeon UI

① Adjust Party Dungeon’s difficulty

② Possible rewards for clearing the Party Dungeon is displayed.

③ Party Dungeon Entry Count is displayed.

④ Click on the ‘Request Entry’ button to be queued into the Party Dungeon’s entry.


- Match-making will commence when clicking on ‘Request Entry’ without a Party.

- When participating in a Party, the character appointed as the ‘Party Master’ can click on the ‘Request Entry’ button to match with Party members and enter the Party Dungeon. 

- Characters that are in a different Server within the same Server Group can be matched as a Party Member.

※ Party members that are not the ‘Party master’ will not be able to click the ‘Request Entry’ button.

※ If a Party member does not meet requirements to enter the Party dungeon, Match-making will not be possible.

- Once Matching has completed, a vote will commence to determine Party Dungeon Entry. Click on Accept/Reject to cast a vote.

Vote to Abandon

- Start a Vote to abandon the Party Dungeon during the raid by clicking on the flag icon inside the Party Dungeon’s Boss room.

※ When the vote Passes, the Party Dungeon ends and the Party Dungeon Entry Count will not be deducted.


※ Dungeon Clear Reward will be sent to your Bag. (If Bag is full, the rewards will be sent to your Inbox)

※ Exiting the dungeon before the vote to abandon has passed will deduct a Party Dungeon Entry Count.