
Boss Raid

Collaborate with Crew within your server to defeat the Boss in the Boss Raid and obtain rewards!

Basic Information

1. Criteria

- Level Requirement: Character Level 30 or Higher

- Quest Requirement: None

■ Boss Raid Schedule by Region




Daily: 09:00

Daily: 12:00

Daily: 16:00

Daily: 20:00

Daily: 24:00



Daily: 09:00

Daily: 12:00

Daily: 16:00

Daily: 20:00

Daily: 24:00



Daily: 09:00

Daily: 12:00

Daily: 16:00

Daily: 20:00

Daily: 24:00

2. Precautions 

1) Boss Raids are matched with Servers

2) Boss Raids can be entered 5 times a day.

Entrance and Escape

- Boss appearance time and mission rewards can be checked through the following: [Menu > Boss Raid]

- Click the Boss Raid Icon that appears on the top right of the map, 10 minutes before the boss’ appearance to be transported to the Boss Raid.

※ Location sharing and opening the map is unavailable in the Boss Area.

- Click on the button on the top right of the map to escape the dungeon.

 ※ The Boss Area is a ‘Safe’ Area and PVP is unavailable.


- Time left until Boss appears will be displayed below the map. Once the time is up, the boss will appear.

※ After the Boss appears, Entrance to the Boss Area is unavailable.

- After the Boss appears, defeat the Boss within the time limit to obtain various craft items as a reward.

※ If Crew dies in the Boss area, Crew is transported out of the Boss area, and cannot enter again.


- Boss Raids have ‘Daily Missions’ and ‘Weekly Missions’.

- Clear the Missions to obtain a variety of items that can help character growth.

※ Daily Boss Raid Mission rewards can be claimed once per day.

※ Daily Mission Rewards get reset at 4:00 am (Time by Region) every day.

※ Weekly Mission Rewards get reset Every Monday at 4:00 am (Time by Region)